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Dr Aneel NIHAL : Research, Publications Posters, Chapters in the Books: Orthopaedic Surgery -1994-2016



  1. Nihal, A, Fairbank, A.C., Bircher, M
    Acute bilateral ureteric obstruction complicating pelvic fractures
    Injury: 1994, 25, 328-330, July.
  2. Fairbank, Nihal, Bircher
    The cost implications and development of a specialist regional service
    International Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma,
    1995, 5: 30
  3. A, Drabu.K.
    A lump in the groin: unusual presentation of loose hip prosthesis.
    The Journal of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 43,
    Feb.1998; 59-60
  4. A, Read.C.J, Handerson D.C, Malcolm A.J
    Extra-articular giant solitary synovial chondromatosis of the foot: a case report and literature review
    Foot and Ankle Surgery- 1999, (5): 29-32
  5. Della Valle C J, Su E, Nihal A, Rosenberg Z S, Trepman E
    Acute disruption of the tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc’s) joints in a ballet dancer
    Journal of Dance Medicine & Science – Volume 4, number 4, 2000.
  6. Choi G., Ghalambor N., Nihal A., Trepman E.
    Revision ankle arthrodesis with lateral cannulated angle blade plate fixation
    Foot & Ankle Surgery, 7: (3)187-191, 2001
  7. Harrington P, Nihal A, Singhania AK, Howell FR.
    Intramedullary hip screw versus sliding hip screw for unstable intertrochanteric femoral fractures in the elderly.
    Injury, Int. J. Care injured. 33:23-28, January 2002
  8. Ghalamber N, Cho D R, Goldring S R, Nihal A, Trepman E.
    Microscopic metallic wear and tissue response in failed titanium hallux metatarsophalangeal implants: Two cases.
    Foot & Ankle Int.Vol.23 No.2 Feb. 2002 :158-162
  9. Minerva BMJ: dislocated McIntosh knee prosthesis.
    Srinivasen K, Nihal A, Lim M, Kumar S T.
    BMJ Volume 325, 23 November 2002 page 1250
  10. Nihal A, M.D, Goldsrein J, M.D, Haas J, Hiebert R, Kummer F, Liederbach M, Trepman E, M.D.
    Toe flexor forces in Dancers and Non-Dancers.
    Foot & Ankle Int. vol.23, No.12: 1119-1123. Dec. 2002
  11. Fibular bone graft in ankle arthrodesis: the application of the harvested in situ technique
    M A Hafez, A Nihal
    Foot & Ankle Surgery 9 (2003) 225-227
  12. The modified palmar lateral approach for calcaneal fractures: Wound healing and postoperative tomographic evaluation of fracture reduction.
    Gupta A, M.D; Ghalambor N, M.D; Nihal A, M.D; Trepman E
    Foot & Ankle Int.Vol.24,No.10 October 2003, 744-753
  13. Chronic haematoma or soft tissue neoplasm? A diagnostic dilemma.
    Sreenivas, A Nihal, D.F.Ettles
    Archives of Orthopaedic and trauma Surgery including Arthroscopy and Sports.
    Springer-Verlag 2004. Medicine Published on line 10 July 2004
  14. Keller arthroplasty: the long and short of it.
    Robertson A, Nihal A
    Surgeons News. RCS Edinburgh January 2005 vol.4 issue 1 page 21
  15. Charcot Neuroarthropathy of the Foot & Ankle- A review article
    Trepman E, Nihal A, Pinzur M
    Foot & Ankle Int. vol. 26, No. 1 January 2005 pages 46-63
  16. Acute Lisfranc joint disruption in a ballet dancer
    Gillespie P, Robertson A, George B, Nihal A
    Foot & Ankle Surgery Volume.11 issue 2 2005 pages 105-108
  17. Arthroscopic Treatment of Anterior Ankle Impingement in Dancers
    Aneel Nihal, Donald J Rose, Elly Trepman
    Foot & Ankle Int. Volume. 26, no. 11 November 2005 pages 908-912
  18. Effect of Foot and Ankle position on Tarsal Tunnel Compartment Volume.
    Ana Bracilovic, Aneel Nihal, Verne L. Houston, Aaron C. Beattie, Zehava S. Rosenberg, Elly Trepman.
    Foot & Ankle Int. Vol.27, No.6 June 2006, 431-437
  19. Individual didactic sessions or group lectures for teaching the foot & ankle to orthopaedic residents.
    Elly Trepman, Aneel Nihal, Kyle Lee Williams, Mary Cheang, John M Embil
    Foot & Ankle Surgery Volume 13 Issue 2 (2007) 69-75
  20. Transcalcaneal talonavicular dislocation- a case report
    Kamath R, Chandran P, A Nihal
    Foot & Ankle Surgery Volume 13 issue 3-  2007 – p 147-149
  21. Ankle Arthrodesis- A review article
    Authors: Aneel Nihal (Australia), Richard E Gellman (USA), John M Embil (Canada), Elly Trepman (USA)
    Foot & Ankle Surgery 14 January (2008) 1-10
  22. Auotogenous bone graft derived from total hip and knee arthroplasty for use in arthrodesis of the talonavicular joint.
    GS Whitwell, N Patel, A Nihal
    “The Foot” Volume 18 Issue 1 March 2008 pages 48-51
  23. Osteochondral fracture of talus treated with bio absorbable pins
    Authors: Parkash Chandran, Ravindra P Kamath, Aneel Nihal
    “The Foot” 18 (2008) 56-58
  24. First Ray Disorders in Athletes
    Authors: Aneel Nihal MD (Australia), Elly Trepman MD (USA). Dr D Nag MD (UK)
    Sports Med Arthroscopy Rev. Volume 17, Number 3, September 2009
  25. Orthopaedic podiatry triage: process outcomes of a skill mix initiative
    Lyndon J. Homeming , MHlthSci, Project Manager
    Pim Kuipers2 PhD, Principal Research Fellow, Adjunct Associate Professor
    Aneel Nihal3 FRCSEd, Ortho, FRACS(Ortho), Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
    Accepted for publication in Health Review September 2012
    Australian Health Review
  26. Wrote a Chapter for the Book “Avascular Necrosis”
    Chapter 7 “Avascular Necrosis of the Foot Bones” along with other co-authors as below

Aneel Nihal, MD, FRCS, FRCS(Ortho), FRACS(Ortho)* 1,

Angelo Del Buono, MD2,

Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS(Orth)3 ,4

1Aneel Nihal, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,

Pindara Private Hospital, Queensland, Australia

2Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery,

Campus Biomedico University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Department of Musculoskeletal Disorders, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy

4Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, London, England


  1. Postoperative autologous blood transfusion in total hip & knee arthroplasties.
    A prospective study.
    Authors: A Nihal, S William, P Pearce
    Combined British & Irish Orthopaedic Association Conference, Dublin 6-9 October 1998
  1. Toe flexor force in dancers and non-dancers.
    Authors: Aneel Nihal, Jeffrey Goldstein, Judith Haas, Rudi Hiebert, Frederick J. Kummer, Marijeanne Liederbach, and Elly TrepmanAmerican Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Annual Summer meeting
    San Diego California. USA 18-20 July 2001.